travel ads

you know the spelling of nice and nice is same you're also nice nice nice

 travel ads

travel ads, so funny what is it? oh! hello hi welcome to more like social travels

trips you will love and your friends will like my name is sanjeev how may i help you? hi friend. myself vicky. this is mrs. vicky hi i'm simran namaste hi

please come so we would like a package deal in europe sure sir for europe we have 3 different kinds of packages the deluxe like package the super deluxe like package and the premium like package see we want something nice but not too expensive

sure ma'am the best deal for you will be the super deluxe like package it's our best selling package what do you get in this package? sir in the super deluxe like package you'll get 1000 facebook likes 5000 retweets 400 hearts on instagram

300 shares on tumblr digg pinterest and one postcard of your choice what? sir, in the super deluxe like package 1000 facebook li- what kind of package is this? sir it's a super deluxe like package but where are we going?

what all are we doing? what kind of adventure sports and what all sightseeing we're doing tell us all that na sir, this is more like social travels yes yes i read your board sir not just the board the actual travel is also more like social travel meaning?

just give us a regular package six days seven nights full europe paris... ..poland..singapore sir this is not real traveling this is more like social traveling you don't actually have to go anywhere why? i'll explain please follow me

you just said we wont go anywhere we will go now because we wont go later... i'll explain to you sir please follow me yes sir with this we can put you anywhere in the world prasad where are they? egypt

at the pyramids more to the right please a camel will appear there baby camel i know what it is he's prasad he's a professional photographer show them the dslr you're doing to photoshop us in europe?

no no not travel it's different the advantage is that you can take the photo anywhere no tourist will photobomb your photos you won't have any problem you can take photos without tension have a look coliseum in italy

disneyland singapore you won't miss the touch-the-top-of-eiffel-tower pic oh yay and ma'am in the premium package you also get a picture with pope baby what's happening there? that's shuklaji

sky diving in new zealand and there? he's snorkeling in maldives mukesh take care of him there must always be a little adventure adventure you do the adventure pictures are fine

but what about the actual experience of being at that place what about it ma'am? see if you haven't traveled and taken pictures then you have traveled but if you have traveled and not taken pictures then you haven't traveled

those who travel will always take photos that's why travel and photos must be saying the truth and all your friends will want to see madam's photos on the the water ...kissing a dolphin i can imagine

madam will look really beautiful with the dolphin in a red bikini it'll be very nice no no sir if you want to go with the dolphin then you can also go then it's ok ok please come sir

this is brinda she's our head status updater brinda, can you please tell mr & mrs vicky what you do? uh sure i'm in charge of handling all status updates which basically means i take a message that looks like this "in mooorisshuuss sunset is looking much wow!!"

and change it to become something like this "in beautiful mauritius, where the emerald water is swallowing the golden sun" breathtaking you should see her check-ins they're amaze please come here this is sarvesh he handles twitter for us

can you please tell them what you do? i make sure you have an opinion whether you have one or not right now he's live tweeting a safari from quicama national park in angola but how does he know what to tweet? he doesn't he makes sure your tweets have enough outrage and hashtags

in tweets about safari? just saw a beautiful baby one horned rhino get shot #poachingsucks #fattyhaditcoming sir, let it be see i told we needed tweeter will you live tweet the entire honeymoon? no sir that will happen on snapchat because looking at you it seems

3 seconds is enough #lol 3 seconds? sir please come to instagram what happens in 3 seconds? nothing this is birju he's our head chef what's this?

sushi this isn't meant for eating it's made of rubber i've put colour on it looks great in a photograph #yummy so basically he can make any cuisine? oh surely ma'am show ma'am the food.

this is mexican italian chinese... where did moti go?!! who moti? the food. moti... hey moti boy just wait for 2 minutes i'll catch the food and come back.

sir, another important thing about instagram is pictures. you have to take nice selfies. not just this sir, you can take it with him. simon, please come. hello! namaste! namaskar! namaste. teen guna zyaada lagaan dena...enough stop. he's simon sir.

you know picture with goras get a lot of likes. you can pose with him in a friendly manner, if you take the premium like package, he'll add you on facebook also. good. simon go back. please. so don't worry, i will be giving you the best rate. along with, a complimentary accent teacher too. accent teacher!!

yes ma'am. if you come back from a holiday you will have an accent. you will have to change your "r" to "uur", when you meet your friends, you'll say, "ni how", "konichiwa", "no no! 2 dollar too much". so, it will look authentic. he makes so much sense. so, any other questions? just one problem. i've already taken a 9 day leave from my office.

all this will be done in one day. what do we do for the remaining 8 days? i don't know sir. maybe you can go for a holiday. huh?!!

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