travel recommendations

woman: captivating is the best adjectiveto describe vietnam. with its stunning natural beauty, lush landscape andcultural values of peace, serenity, community, and harmony, vietnam offerstourists a tranquil getaway in which they can relax and de-stress. man: in order to experience thetranquility of the country, however,

 travel recommendations

travel recommendations, visitors should be sure to get outside ofthe big cities and include a trip to vietnam's countryside in their itinerary,in order to experience all that this country has to offer. as you're touringthe countryside and taking in the rice paddies, the last thing that you wouldwant is for sore feet to cut your

meanderings through the tranquil landscapeshort. be sure to pack a pair of durable walking shoes. prioritize comfort overfashion. make sure you dress in plenty of layers. not only will long layers helpto protect you from mosquito bites, they will also keep you warm when thetemperature dips in the evening. a rain jacket should also be part of yourgear, one of those layers, since unpredictable showers and monsoon rainsare common. especially in rural areas and small villages, sanitation can be poor andwater is commonly contaminated with disease. therefore, it's wisest to limitbeverage consumption to drinks that are bottled, canned or have beenboiled or otherwise treated.

direct contact with animals can spreaddiseases like rabies, and this disease has been especially problematic in vietnam.therefore, just be careful around animals. don't touch or feed them, not even dogs orcats, in order to help prevent animal bites and scratches from occurring. sincerabies has been an issue in vietnam, the pre-exposure vaccine is recommendedfor travelers, especially if you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors. if you planto spend time in the rural villages, get your japanese encephalitis vaccinationas well, since rice paddies and other bucolic retreats host mosquitoesthat carry the disease. your travel health specialist will assistyou in determining the specific vaccines

that you need to stay healthy and well asyou soak in vietnam's tranquil culture. make the most of your time in vietnam.consult with a passport health travel medicine specialist to determine yourstrategy for staying well abroad. just call 1-888-499-pass to find thepassport health clinic nearest you.

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